A library for tangling (code generation).

List of files contained in the folder ./tgl

The table below displays all files contained in the folder. Clicking on a folder or a document icon on the left will take you to the contents of that folder or documentation respectively.

Name Description
CVS CVS information.
insert_action.hpp Custom insert_actor for boost::spirit.
literate XML files for the literate programming system.
tgl_filedef_console_visitor.cpp Implementation file.
tgl_filedef_console_visitor.hpp Implementation file.
tgl_filedef_file_visitor.cpp Implementation file.
tgl_filedef_file_visitor.hpp Implementation file.
tgl_foreachobject_visitor.cpp Implementation file.
tgl_foreachobject_visitor.hpp Implementation file.
tgl_structure_parser.cpp Implementation file.
tgl_structure_parser.hpp Implementation file.
tgl_block_parser.cpp Implementation file.
tgl_block_parser.hpp Implementation file.
Generated: Thu Apr 6 00:29:24 EST 2006 using "xsltproc ... docbook.xsl". Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005; Paul Hamilton; pHamtec P/L.