
It's class-name (used for any type of code generation) is "ph::common::object_visitor".

The object fits into the tree of objects in the following way. Click on other objects in to navigate to that object. Objects to the left of this object are superclasses, and objects listed below it derive from this one.

Here is a list of all uses of this object inside others. Click on the object to take you to the definition.

Click here to see a tree representation of all objects.

Click here to return to the main index page.


This object contains methods which can be called from other objects. Following is a list of those methods. The syntax of the method, it's arguments and return value follow closely the UML conventions.


Any other method of any other object can call this method. This is called 'public' access.

The data-type returned is "booltype"; Not sure.

This method takes no arguments.

Here is a list of all overrides of this method inside sub-classes. Click on the object to take you to the definition.


Any other method of any other object can call this method. This is called 'public' access.

The data-type returned is "booltype"; Not sure.

The method takes the following arguments:

obj : object_baseptrtype

Not sure.

Here is a list of all overrides of this method inside sub-classes. Click on the object to take you to the definition.


Any other method of any other object can call this method. This is called 'public' access.

The data-type returned is "booltype"; Not sure.

The method takes the following arguments:

obj : object_baseptrtype

Not sure.

Here is a list of all overrides of this method inside sub-classes. Click on the object to take you to the definition.

Generated: Wed Apr 5 23:52:37 EST 2006 using "xsltproc ... docbook.xsl". Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005; Paul Hamilton; pHamtec P/L. Use, modification, and distribution is provided free of any limitations.