isinlist : pass

This method is called to test if the condition should pass or not.

Any other method of any other object can call this method. This is called 'public' access.

The data-type returned is "booltype"; Returns "true" if the condition passes.

This method is contained in the object "isinlist".

The method takes the following arguments:

filedef : Pointer to tgl_structure_parser

Not sure.

obj : Pointer to @schemaobj

Not sure.

first : booltype

If true, then return true only if the first item is true.

last : booltype

If true, then return true only if the last item is true.

This method is overridden from an abstract method with the same signature found in the object @condition.



The files "schema/schema_obj.hpp" and "tgl_list_parser.hpp" are included.

See if the member's name of an object is in a list.

	std::set<std::string> s;
	tgl_list_parser p;
	if (!p.parse_to_set(_list, &s))
		return false;
	return s.find(obj->get(_membername)) != s.end() ? !_fail : _fail;

Generated: Wed Apr 5 23:54:55 EST 2006 using "xsltproc ... docbook.xsl". Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005; Paul Hamilton; pHamtec P/L. Use, modification, and distribution is provided free of any limitations.