lookupobjectnamespace : output |
Output the block to the stream.
Any other method of any other object can call this method. This is called 'public' access.
The data-type returned is "voidtype";
This method is contained in the object "lookupobjectnamespace".
The method takes the following arguments:
filedef : Pointer to tgl_structure_parser
Not sure.
obj : Pointer to @schemaobj
Not sure.
This method is overridden from an abstract method with the same signature found in the object @block.
The files "../cppxmlobj/reflect/jscript_object_navigator.hpp", "schema/schema_object.hpp", "tgl_structure_parser.hpp" and "boost/tokenizer.hpp" are included.
Lookup up an object and get it's namespace.
ph::reflect::jscript_object_navigator n(obj->root(), filedef->console(), false, false); ph::common::object_base *no = n.navigate(obj, _location); if (!no) { filedef->error("Could not find location [" + _location + "] in object."); return; } xmlobj::xmlobj *root = dynamic_cast<xmlobj::xmlobj *>(no); if (!root) { filedef->error("Internal error. How could the object returned not be an xmlobj?."); return; } // search for the object in the object tree. xmlobj *found = root->findwithtype("object", obj->get(_lookupmember)); if (found != 0) { ph::tools::schema::schema_object *o = dynamic_cast<ph::tools::schema::schema_object *>(found); if (o == 0) { filedef->error(found->name() + " is not a schema_object. It is a [" + found->type() + "]."); return; } std::string ns = o->get_namespace(); // split out the namespaces. boost::char_separator<char> sep(":"); boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > t(ns, sep); for (boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >::iterator i=t.begin(); i != t.end(); i++) { filedef->write_output(*i); filedef->write_output("::"); } }